Owning Your Art: 3 Tips For Building Confidence

Written by Jordyn Austin

As an artist, it can be easy to doubt your work. What if people don’t understand it? What if no one supports me? These might be the burning questions that are keeping you from moving forward. But we have one question: what if they do? The only thing keeping you from owning your art is you. And you’ll never know how far your art can take you if you stay stuck at “what if.” 

Here are 3 tips for building confidence as an artist:

Stop comparing yourself to other artists

It has been said that comparison is the thief of joy. If you continue looking left and right at what everyone else is doing, you’re bound to find something wrong with your own work. Instead, draw inspiration from others. There’s a huge difference between cherishing another artist's work and allowing it to breed jealousy or feelings of inadequacy. One inspires, and the other keeps you stagnant.

Face the fear

Fear is natural, especially when you don’t know the outcome of something. But fear doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get started. Whatever your idea is, do it afraid. All it takes is a first step, and then, eventually, that fear will disappear. Fear doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making the wrong choice in taking a leap of faith with your art.

Know that your art matters

Please know that someone, somewhere, needs what you have to offer. We each bring something unique and important to this world. When we fail to own our art and sit on our great ideas, someone else misses the chance to be encouraged and inspired.

Will you let fear, comparison, and unbelief keep you from living out your unique purpose? We hope not! 


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